Principal Investigators
Christian Davenport (left in the picture): Political Science & Center, University of Michigan
Allan Stam (right in the picture): Political Science, University of Virginia
Core Project Staff
David Armstrong: Statistical Consultant (University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee)
Nicholas Greenfield: Arcview GIS Consultant, Programmer & Designer
Priyam Trivedi: Statistical Consultant, Programmer (University of Michigan)
Consultants & Collaborators
- Center for Conflict Management, National University of Rwanda - Butare
- The National University of Rwanda - Butare
- Office of the Prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
- Office of the Defense, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
- Alison Des Forges, Human Rights Watch (deceased)
- Center for International Development and Conflict Management (CIDCM)
- Diverse Rwandan Human Rights Organizations
- Hundreds of Rwandans who shared their time and (occasionally) homes